
  1. 1. You still ..... me $500 dollars. When are you going to give it back?
  2. 4. We can’t lend you any money, we are in ..... ourselves.
  3. 5. We invested all our savings in the shares, but unfortunately we made a big ..... .
  4. 7. Bill Gates is an example of ..... to riches story. He is a man who has earned a fortune thanks to hard work.
  5. 8. He is very rich. He has money to ..... .
  6. 9. My ..... is not very high, but it is enough to cover my expenses.
  7. 10. I try to put aside some money every month for a ..... day. You never know when the disaster will strike.
  8. 12. If we ..... on food, we can save money to go on holiday.
  9. 13. Our child went to a private school at first, but the ..... was so high that we had to move him to a state-run school.
  10. 14. He built up an enormous ..... in just a few years.
  11. 16. The ..... often don’t understand the poor.
  12. 17. The company was very profitable, but later it ..... bankrupt.
  1. 2. I earn so little money that I hardly make ..... meet.
  2. 3. The burglaries took away all our .....-pictures, jewellery, and precious stones.
  3. 6. If he overspends like that, he will ..... his fortune very quickly.
  4. 10. My salary is too low. I must ask my boss for a ..... . If I don’t get it, I will quit.
  5. 11. The family live below ..... line. Somebody should help them immediately.
  6. 15. He was so poor that he ..... people for money in the street.