
  1. 1. to need to pay or give something to someone because they have lent money to you
  2. 3. metal with an official stamp, used as money
  3. 7. paper money
  4. 8. mashine an electronic machine that provides banking services when activated by insertion of a plastic card
  5. 10. a compulsory contribution to a state/ government
  6. 11. a loan for the purchase of real property (house/flat) that you borrow from a bank
  7. 12. to give money to smb
  1. 2. to cost
  2. 4. to recieve money or property from previous owner( a relative)
  3. 5. to receive money from smb/smth
  4. 6. to spend money or time on fullish things
  5. 9. to receive money for working