
  1. 3. an machine that gives you cash
  2. 4. money in the form of coins
  3. 6. you ___ to get something
  4. 7. coins
  5. 9. a piece of paper money. The usual word is note.
  6. 10. american money
  7. 11. money that exists in electronic form and is used to pay for things over the Internet
  8. 12. money used in Russia
  9. 14. things such as jewellery and coins that are made of gold
  1. 1. donald j trump had a ____ of 1m dollars
  2. 2. a piece of paper money
  3. 4. paper money
  4. 5. a place where your money is held
  5. 7. a plastic card
  6. 8. place where you have your cash
  7. 11. money used in EU
  8. 13. give money then get something for it