
  1. 3. Money that has been saved
  2. 8. Monthly mail that is sent to inform you about your account
  3. 10. The place where you can make transactions with money
  4. 11. How much money a particular investment produces in one year
  5. 13. The amount of money, separate from interest
  6. 14. Money that you get from your parents every week or month
  7. 16. What APR stands for
  8. 18. The amount of money
  9. 20. To put money in your account
  10. 21. The thing that banks use to make profit
  1. 1. To take out money out of your account
  2. 2. To borrow money
  3. 4. Out of 100
  4. 5. Monthly or daily interest
  5. 6. To exchange money
  6. 7. A check for salary made out to an employee
  7. 9. The business of selling products or services
  8. 12. A change in your account, either a deposit or withdrawal
  9. 15. Found at checkouts and used to calculate the amount that the customer owes
  10. 17. Money is stored in one
  11. 19. Coins and Bills