
  1. 2. when people give each other something they need or want
  2. 5. to trade one thing for another
  3. 6. where food and other things are sold
  4. 8. European money
  5. 10. an activity that provides something people want or need
  6. 12. things that can be bought, sold, or traded
  7. 13. something that is carried
  8. 15. how you feel when something does not happen the way you wanted
  1. 1. what something is worth or how important it is
  2. 3. to keep trying a hard as you can to do something
  3. 4. when you trade things and do not use money
  4. 7. Japanese money
  5. 9. a gift for doing something good or helpful
  6. 11. U.S. money
  7. 14. a piece of metal that is used as money
  8. 16. Mexican money