
  1. 3. Piece of paper which shows your bank account
  2. 5. Money the bank lends you
  3. 6. Name of the bank whose videos we have been watching
  4. 7. Method of paying for something where you are borrowing money
  5. 8. Where your money is kept within a many
  6. 9. Money you get off your parents
  7. 11. Method of payment using your own money
  8. 12. Where someone pretends to be you and spends your money
  9. 13. What most of the class spend their pocket money on
  1. 1. Where you take your money out from (Whole in the Wall)
  2. 2. Place which keeps your money
  3. 3. Place where you put your money when you want to save it
  4. 4. The amount of money in your account
  5. 8. What you should never give to anybody/anything you don't trust
  6. 10. A method of giving somebody money on a piece of paper