
  1. 4. item use to buy something electronically that immediately takes money directly from the purchasers account
  2. 6. account set up to store money in a way that can be easily withdrawn out of for purchasing use.
  3. 12. amount of money originally borrowed
  4. 13. account set up for the consumer to store money and save it for a future expense
  5. 14. type of loan on the purchase of a house
  6. 15. where the consumer borrows money from the bank in hopes to pay it back with additional cost of using the borrowers money
  1. 1. is a universal item of value we use in trade, purchasing, and selling products
  2. 2. loans that don't need collateral, but sometimes require a cosigner
  3. 3. is the amount owed by a person due to the result of borrowing money
  4. 5. rating of the risk involved in lending money to a specific person or business
  5. 6. type of item used to buy something when a card or cash isn't available for use
  6. 7. amount of money the borrower must pay for the use of someone else’s money
  7. 8. item used to buy something when the buyer doesn't have enough money to purchase it
  8. 9. loans backed up with collateral in the event of non-payment
  9. 10. used with a Debit Card
  10. 11. financial institutions that monitor, store, and deliver new forms of finances to the public consumer