Monroe, Jackson and the Industrial Revolution

  1. 1. / The "Compromise" that admitted two states, so that slave and free states would remain equal.
  2. 4. / The Supreme Court case stating the Cherokee didn’t have to follow U.S. laws and was ignored by Jackson - Worcester v. _____________.
  3. 6. / Eli Whitney's invention that changed the North and South - Cotton ____.
  4. 8. / Making negative comments about an opponent to improve one’s political standing.
  5. 10. / The "Revolution" that saw an increase in inventions and technology in the early 1800's.
  6. 14. / Andrew Jackson’s group of friends and advisers that met regularly in the White House to discuss issues - ______________ Cabinet.
  7. 16. / When a President rejects a law and sends it back to Congress.
  8. 18. / A person who "made" themselves as successful by doing things for themselves with little or no help.
  9. 19. / The law that declared the Native Americans could be moved from their land to the territory of Oklahoma - The Indian ___________ Act.
  10. 20. / The "bargain" made by Henry Clay that allowed John Quincy Adams to win the 1824 Presidential election.
  11. 21. / The "system" that the President can run the government the way he wants, because of his election victory.
  12. 22. / Protection for inventors and their inventions.
  13. 24. / Jackson's supporters were often farmers, factory workers, planters and low income workers, known as the ____________ man.
  14. 25. / The type of economic structure where people are allowed to create business in search of profit - _______ enterprise.
  1. 2. / When a state decides to leave or to separate from the United States.
  2. 3. / “The Great Compromiser,” that created the Missouri Compromise and clashed with Andrew Jackson. (last name only)
  3. 5. / Part of the reason that the Cherokee were moved was because of the discovery of which valuable resource.
  4. 7. / The "crisis" brought on by South Carolina’s threat to secede the U.S. over tariffs.
  5. 9. / This "national" institution was denied a renewal of its charter by President Jackson, who felt they only helped the rich.
  6. 11. / James Monroe's famous statement to the world that colonization in North and South America was OVER - The Monroe ____________.
  7. 12. / A type of river vessel used to ship products and travel.
  8. 13. / The energy source that powered machines in early factories.
  9. 15. / The cruel journey forced on the Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma, leaving their homes against their will - The Trail of ___________.
  10. 17. / The 7th President of the U.S. from 1829-1837. (last name only)
  11. 20. / The Southerner who called for nullification and then secession to protest the Tariff of Abominations. (last name only)
  12. 23. / The tax placed on certain imports that enraged the South because it only helped the North.