Monsters and Villains

  1. 2. (6,4) Lion with an inpenetrable hide. Slain by Heracles as his first labour.
  2. 4. Circular serpentine monster usually depicted eating itself
  3. 5. Sentient whirlpool that liked to snack on passing ships.
  4. 8. Sons of Ixion who liked wine and women. Depicted on the Parthenon friezes.
  5. 10. The only mortal gorgon. Slain by Perseus
  6. 11. Liked giving travelers riddles. Killed and ate them if they got the answer wrong.
  7. 12. Cyclops encountered and tricked by wily Odysseus.
  8. 14. Fathered lots of famous Greek monsters with Echidna
  9. 16. Goat, snake, lion hybrid slain by Bellerophon.
  1. 1. Three-headed guardian of the underworld.
  2. 3. If travelers were too short for his bed, he would stretch them. If they were too tall, he would cut their feet off.
  3. 6. Sea creatures with a song that would distract sailors and lure them onto rocks.
  4. 7. Giant snake monster with 9 heads. Slain by Heracles as his second labour.
  5. 8. Kept Odysseus on her island for 6 years.
  6. 9. Murderous hero and best Greek warrior at Troy.
  7. 13. Famous monster that inhabited a labyrinth on Crete. Slain by Theseus.
  8. 15. Half-human, half-bird monsters.
  9. 16. Witch who turned Odysseus's men into pigs.