Monsters of Myth

  1. 3. body and head of a lion, snake tail, and goat head on its back
  2. 7. monster made out of storms and dragon heads
  3. 8. 100 eyed monster, used to make the feathers on a peacock
  4. 10. if you look at her you turn to stone
  5. 11. nine headed monster, could infinitely regrow heads
  6. 12. half man, half bull
  1. 1. whirlpool monster off the coast of Sicily
  2. 2. three headed dog that gourds the underworld
  3. 4. half bird, half woman creature
  4. 5. part lion, human, eagle, and serpent, loved asking riddles
  5. 6. body of a horse, torso and head of a man
  6. 9. winged horse