Montgomery Bus Boycott

  1. 3. Rosa Parks was arrested in the month of ( ).
  2. 6. Parks was arrested for not giving up her( ) to a white person.
  3. 7. Mrs. Rosa Parks went to court where she was found ( ).
  4. 8. Montgomery is in the state of ( ).
  5. 9. The black leaders appealed their case to the U.S Supreme ( ).
  6. 10. Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on a ( ).
  1. 1. Rosa started the civil rights ( ) by refusing to give up her seat on a bus.
  2. 2. A one-day ( ) of all city buses began on Monday.
  3. 4. Mrs. Parks was from the city of ( ).
  4. 5. ( ) was called the mother of the modern civil rights movement.