Monthly Mixer

  1. 1. Click-through rate
  2. 8. To accept or decline an event invitation
  3. 10. VC’s zodiac sign
  4. 13. Evite’s bi-weekly Facebook Live show
  5. 16. Move fast with sure ______
  6. 17. Data reporting and visualization service used by Evite
  7. 20. We make getting together _____ and more memorable
  8. 21. An evening party or gathering, typically in a private house
  9. 23. Evite Donations part
  10. 24. Evite’s tagline
  11. 25. Number of 2018 Strategic Priorities
  1. 2. This user from a customer panel hosts bdays for kids at gymnastics facilities
  2. 3. Measures a customer’s likeliness to recommend a product
  3. 4. A smaller baby shower for a second child
  4. 5. Tap it back here
  5. 6. Communication tool used here, “where work happens”
  6. 7. Fully customizable invitation option
  7. 9. Team featured in April’s Monthly Mixer
  8. 11. Where to find Evite FAQs, org charts, etc.
  9. 12. Drew’s dog
  10. 14. Our current state, a.k.a. “Phase II”
  11. 15. To plan a party with a partner
  12. 18. Evite’s parent company
  13. 19. Request for Proposal
  14. 22. Paid invitation option for Evite