Months, Days of the week, Seasons

  1. 1. The current month
  2. 4. The last day of the weekday
  3. 5. The last day of the week
  4. 10. The month that summer begins
  5. 11. The tenth month of the year
  6. 12. The sixth day of the week
  7. 15. The hottest season
  8. 16. Yesterday it was...
  9. 18. The month that spring begins
  10. 19. The coldest season
  11. 20. The fourth day of the week
  12. 21. The month that we celebrate Mother's Day
  13. 22. The month of Thanksgiving Day
  1. 2. The season when we have a two-week break from school
  2. 3. The month of your birthday
  3. 6. The month of Christmas
  4. 7. The month that we are on vacations
  5. 8. The middle day of the week
  6. 9. The month of St. Valentine's
  7. 13. The fourth month
  8. 14. The season when leaves fall off the trees
  9. 17. The month that Mexicans celebrate the Independence Day
  10. 18. The first day of the week