Months, days of week and season

  1. 1. Flowers and rain
  2. 6. Winter holidays
  3. 7. Leaves falling
  4. 9. End of summer
  5. 10. Spring begins
  6. 11. Cold and snowy
  7. 13. Midyear warmth
  8. 14. Hot and sunny
  9. 16. Weekend relaxation
  10. 18. Second day of work
  11. 20. Midweek point
  12. 21. Start of the week
  1. 1. Fall begins
  2. 2. Shortest month
  3. 3. Day of rest
  4. 4. Month of Halloween
  5. 5. Start of the year
  6. 8. End of the workweek
  7. 12. Start of summer
  8. 15. Flowers bloom
  9. 17. Almost the weekend
  10. 19. Month of showers
  11. 22. Time for thanks