  1. 2. My longsleeve shirt model you borrowed while splashing water.
  2. 6. Our favourite place in Malang.
  3. 11. Rent car colour for our Taman Safari's trip.
  4. 13. The date our parents was meet.
  5. 14. Our future house model
  6. 15. The month we get couple status?
  1. 1. our habbit at night.
  2. 3. what smile atikah's like from aldo?
  3. 4. Where did we go out for the first date?
  4. 5. Our same bank
  5. 6. Aldovlike .... (in yellow)
  6. 7. Our last favourite song.
  7. 8. Atikah like .... (in green)
  8. 9. What activity we do before we become a couple?
  9. 10. The place we took a first picture.
  10. 12. How long we've ben dating until this month?