Moon Phases

  1. 3. What is the period called when we are seeing more and more of the Moon each night?
  2. 4. What the Moon does around the Earth
  3. 5. What the Moon rotates on
  4. 6. What is the period called when we are seeing less and less of the Moon each night?
  5. 9. What do we call them as the Moon orbits and rotates around the Earth?
  6. 12. What do we call a phase of the Moon when less than half of the Moon is lit up?
  7. 14. What is the Moon's movement called as it spins in space?
  8. 15. What causes tides?
  1. 1. How many phases does the Moon have?
  2. 2. What do we call a phase of the Moon when more than half of the Moon is lit up?
  3. 7. What is the phase of the Moon when the Moon sits between the Sun and the Earth?
  4. 8. What is it called when more than half of the Moon is illuminated?
  5. 10. What do we call a phase of the Moon when more than half of the Moon is lit up?
  6. 11. What is the phase of the Moon when 100% of the Moon is lit up?
  7. 13. Where does the Moon get its light?