Moon Phases

  1. 3. This moon phase is mostly lit on the left.
  2. 4. does the moon phases revolve the earth clockwise or counterclockwise
  3. 7. This moon phase is half lit on the right.
  4. 10. How long does it take the earth to orbit the sun
  5. 12. This moon phase is less than one half lit on the left side.
  6. 13. The moon takes about one ________ to revolve around the earth.
  7. 14. What is the earth's axis pointed towards.
  1. 1. This moon phase is lit on the right just a tiny bit
  2. 2. Longest and Shortest days of the year.
  3. 5. How long does it take the earth to make a complete rotation
  4. 6. The moon does not have its own light. It reflects light from the.
  5. 7. This moon phase is fully lit
  6. 8. This moon phase is half lit on the left.
  7. 9. 12 Hours of daylight and 12 Hours of night.
  8. 11. This moon phase is fully dark.