Moon Phases

  1. 2. Path the Moon takes around the Earth
  2. 3. Sequence of the Moon's phases, from new to full and back to new again
  3. 5. Phase when the left half of the Moon is illuminated, three quarters of the way through the cycle
  4. 6. To bounce light off a surface, as the Moon does with sunlight
  5. 8. Another term for the lunar month, referring to the time between two identical phases
  6. 10. When the Earth's shadow completely covers the Moon, causing a reddish appearance
  7. 12. Phase when the Moon appears as a thin crescent, shrinking each night
  8. 14. To light up or cast light upon, as the Sun does to the Moon
  9. 15. Phase when more than half but less than the full Moon is illuminated, growing larger each night
  10. 16. Phase when more than half but less than the full Moon is illuminated, shrinking each night
  11. 17. Phase when the right half of the Moon is illuminated, one quarter of the way through the cycle
  12. 18. Half of the Moon's surface, either the near side facing Earth or the far side
  13. 19. Rise and fall of sea levels caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun
  14. 20. Time it takes for the Moon to complete one full cycle of phases, about 29.5 days
  1. 1. The Moon's rotation matches its orbit, so the same side always faces Earth
  2. 4. Faint illumination of the dark part of the Moon by sunlight reflected from Earth
  3. 7. Phase when the entire visible surface of the Moon is illuminated
  4. 9. Curved sickle shape of the Moon during its waxing and waning crescent phases
  5. 11. Phase when the Moon is completely dark, not visible from Earth
  6. 13. Phase when the Moon appears as a thin crescent, growing larger each night