Moon Phases

  1. 2. carry out research or study into (a subject, typically one in a scientific or academic field) so as to discover facts or information.
  2. 4. make (something) visible or bright by shining light on it; light up.
  3. 7. appearing smaller
  4. 10. when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth but the Sun, Moon, and Earth are not perfectly lined up
  5. 15. the fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object, especially the area on the earth or moon experiencing the total phase of an eclipse.
  6. 16. occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Earth and Sun. It covers most of the Sun leaving its outer edge visible as a bright ring around the darkened Moon.
  7. 17. a moon that appears more than half full but not fully illuminated when viewed from Earth
  8. 18. move or cause to move into a sloping position.
  9. 19. the phase of the moon when it is in conjunction with the sun and invisible from earth
  10. 20. the shadow cast by the earth or moon over an area experiencing a partial eclipse.
  1. 1. happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun.
  2. 3. occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking some or all of the Sun's light from reaching Earth. T
  3. 5. a tide just after the first or third quarters of the moon when there is least difference between high and low water
  4. 6. considered in relation or in proportion to something else.
  5. 8. a part of a whole.
  6. 9. the Moon as it appears early in its first quarter or late in its last quarter, when only a small arc-shaped section appearsGibbous moon
  7. 11. happens when the Earth's shadow falls on the Moon, blocking sunlight that would otherwise reflect off the Moon's surface.
  8. 12. a tide just after a new or full moon, when there is the greatest difference between high and low water.
  9. 13. the phase of the moon in which its whole disk is illuminated.
  10. 14. appearing larger