Moon phases Crossword (no spaces, commas, capital letters, or numbers))

  1. 3. the topic of this crossword
  2. 7. what the moon phases symbolize
  3. 8. what does the moon rotate on
  4. 10. who made the slideshow and this activity
  5. 11. the egyptian god of the moon
  6. 13. what lights up the moon
  7. 14. which comes first, waning or waxing
  8. 15. what the moon symbolizes
  1. 1. the greek goddesses of the moon
  2. 2. what planet does the moon orbit
  3. 4. how many moon phases are there
  4. 5. use the clue on question 9
  5. 6. the phase of the moon in a Dreamworks movie intro
  6. 9. the part of a body of water that the moon affects
  7. 12. the first phase