Moon Phases & Eclipses

  1. 4. A representation of data, phenomena, system, etc.
  2. 6. Earth casts a shadow onto the moon; occurs only during some full moon phases.
  3. 8. A relationship in which one element depends on the presence, absence, or change of another.
  4. 11. The movement of an object around another object.
  5. 13. A repeated and/or predictable relationship between elements.
  6. 14. The moon casts a shadow onto Earth; occurs only during some new moon phases.
  7. 16. The position of the moon in its orbit when it is closest to Earth.
  8. 17. The entire lit half of the moon is observed.
  9. 19. The darkest part of a shadow; results in total eclipses.
  1. 1. The periods of revolution and rotation are similar; causes only one side of the moon to be observed.
  2. 2. The spinning of an object around an axis.
  3. 3. Decreasing in light; full moon to new moon.
  4. 5. None of the lit half of the moon is observed.
  5. 7. Increasing in light; new moon to full moon.
  6. 9. The position of the moon in its orbit when it is furthest from Earth.
  7. 10. The predictable pattern of moon phases; approximately 28 days in length.
  8. 12. An oval-like shape.
  9. 15. The only visible part of the sun during a total solar eclipse.
  10. 16. One of 8 ways the moon can appear.
  11. 18. The path of revolution.