- 4. Jessica’s Alma Mater
- 6. Bride’s maiden name
- 8. The main reason Luke and Jessica go to the beach
- 9. Luke’s Alma Mater
- 14. Month they started dating
- 16. Their first True Crime podcast
- 17. The Honeymoon destination
- 18. Number of siblings they have combined
- 21. Their first 5K together
- 1. Their favorite pizza place
- 2. Where they will be living
- 3. Location of their first date
- 5. Number of weddings they have attended together
- 6. Shape of Jessica’s engagement ring
- 7. Jessica’s favorite superhero
- 10. The matchmaker’s name
- 11. Jessica’s favorite movie snack
- 12. Luke’s favorite movie snack
- 13. Month they got engaged
- 15. Who technically said I love you first
- 19. Luke’s favorite superhero
- 20. Jessica’s favorite four legged friend; Luke’s nemesis