MOORFIELDS crossword puzzle

  1. 2. eye test should be conducted every - years
  2. 5. eye disease caused by cardiovascular risk factors
  3. 6. oldest eye hospital in the world
  4. 8. eye condition prevalent in the older age group
  5. 10. major cause of sight threatening disease in working age population globally
  6. 12. topical medication to the eye
  7. 13. inflammation of structures of the eye
  8. 15. most cherished of the 6 senses
  9. 16. beam of light used to treat eye conditions
  10. 17. environmental factor related to age related macular degeneration
  1. 1. eye dandruff
  2. 2. endocrine condition affecting the eye
  3. 3. common cause of increased eye pressure and reduced field of vision
  4. 4. treatment for several retinal conditions to decrease "fluid behind the eye"
  5. 7. promotes early identification of eye disease
  6. 9. condition affecting the ageing retina
  7. 11. cessation of this activity can improve eye health
  8. 14. another name for eye sight