MOORFIELDS Diabetes crossword puzzle

  1. 3. You can tell if you have diabetes with a simple __ test
  2. 6. Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the __
  3. 10. Individuals with type 2 diabetes often take __ medications
  4. 11. People with diabetes have a greater risk of having a __
  5. 12. You should have an eye test every __ years
  6. 14. In people with diabetic eye disease, __ into the eye are used to treat leakage of fluid from damaged blood vessels
  7. 15. In people with diabetes, abnormal blood vessels can __ and cause permanent loss of vision
  8. 16. A healthy __ can postpone the onset of diabetes
  9. 17. In people with diabetic eye disease, __ are used to treat the growth of abnormal blood vessels in the eye
  10. 18. Our bodies need __ in order for the cells to use the blood glucose.
  11. 20. People with diabetes are more likely to develop ___ failure
  1. 1. In people with diabetes, fluid leaking into the __ can cause blurriness and poor central vision
  2. 2. Diabetes occurs when blood __ levels are higher than they should be
  3. 4. __ is the leading cause of sight loss and blindness in people aged 20-69 years in the world
  4. 5. __ is the oldest eye hospital in the world
  5. 7. People with diabetes are twice as likely to develop __
  6. 8. People with diabetes have a greater risk of having a __
  7. 9. One risk factor for type 2 diabetes is a ___ lifestyle
  8. 13. __for diabetic eye disease will prevent sight loss
  9. 19. __ can affect the health of your eyes
  10. 21. Individuals with type 2 diabetes can often control their blood glucose levels by __