Moot Court Team Reveal

  1. 2. This person has two Boxer(breed) dogs.
  2. 6. This person is a fantasy nerd and loves Dungeons and Dragons.
  3. 7. This person has been on America's Got Talent.
  4. 10. This person has two kittens and loves rewatching comfort shows like criminal minds and grey's anatomy.
  5. 13. This person can make meals out of random ingredients in your fridge.
  6. 14. This person grew up in a small town of 1200, with a graduating class of 17.
  7. 16. This person is a major K-Pop fan.
  8. 19. This person's friends called her Pitbull.
  9. 21. This person has the same tattoo as her grandma.
  10. 22. This person wants to live on a farm one day.
  1. 1. This person is an expert at making sticky buns.
  2. 3. This person used to commute from Apple Valley to El Monte for work.
  3. 4. The beach is this person's happy place.
  4. 5. This person loves big families, they are one of six and their mom is one of ten.
  5. 8. This person loves working out and does obstacle races.
  6. 9. This person loves frogs and was born in Canada.
  7. 11. This person's passion began in Budapest, Hungary.
  8. 12. This person loves live music/concerts and can only sleep if it's freezing in the room.
  9. 15. This person wants to visit all of the national museums and parks.
  10. 17. This person collects weird horror art.
  11. 18. This person enjoys watching cartoons and collects cartoon character shirts.
  12. 20. This person used to catch snakes in the Santa Monica mountains.
  13. 21. This person loves salsa dancing and has a new Yorkie puppy.