Morales Wedding

  1. 3. Oldest Pets Name
  2. 5. Raelyns Favorite Color
  3. 6. Month Anthony Proposed
  4. 7. Vehicle Raelyn Drives
  5. 10. Name of Youngest Groomsmen
  6. 11. Raelyns Favorite Flower
  7. 13. Name of Youngest Bridesmaid
  8. 14. Anthonys Favorite NFL Team
  9. 18. Couples Favorite Drink to Share
  10. 19. First Concert Together
  11. 20. Maid of Honors Name
  12. 21. Anthonys birthday month
  1. 1. Couples Favorite Appetizer
  2. 2. Month of the Wedding
  3. 4. Youngest Pets Name
  4. 8. Anthonys Favorite Snack
  5. 9. Raelyns Favorite Breakfast Item
  6. 12. Raelyns birthday month
  7. 15. Best Mans Name
  8. 16. Anthonys Favorite Color
  9. 17. Month the Couple Met