More Riddles

  1. 2. if you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea it becomes this
  2. 4. What has a lot of keys but can not open a single door?
  3. 5. What car is spelled the same forwards and backwards
  4. 6. What runs but never walks and has a bed but never sleeps.
  5. 8. What loses its head every morning and gets it back every night?
  6. 10. What word begins and ends with an ‘e’ but only has one letter?
  7. 11. forward I am heavy, backwards I am not
  8. 13. The letter "C" is the coldest letter because it is in the middle of ___.
  9. 14. The one who made it didn’t want it. The one who bought it didn’t need it. The one who used it never saw it. What is it?
  10. 17. What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
  11. 19. What's the best way to catch a fish? Have someone ___ it at you.
  1. 1. What word allows you to take away two letters and get one in return?
  2. 3. What begins with "T", ends with "T" and has "T" in it?
  3. 4. Why was the math book so sad? Because it has so many ___.
  4. 6. What object is king of the class?
  5. 7. I come down but never go up. What am I?
  6. 9. The poor have it, the rich need it. If you eat it you will die. What is it?
  7. 12. the more you take away, the larger it becomes
  8. 15. the number of stars on the US flag
  9. 16. Why did the boy eat his homework? Because his teacher said it was a piece of ___.
  10. 18. What can you catch but not throw?