Mo's Baby Shower

  1. 2. Will Baby Lawler inherit Mom's love for competition? One of the two sports that Mom went to State for in high school
  2. 6. This animal takes 8 years to wean from its mother
  3. 8. Mom's favorite book as a baby (hint: it's a bedtime classic)
  4. 11. Babies don't have this bendy body part at birth
  5. 12. Mom was only two when she declared her love for this flower
  6. 13. These babies gain 10 pounds per hour
  7. 14. Baby Lawler's favorite sport, if Dad has any say
  8. 15. Wake up, it's time to go! Mom never wanted to be late for ____ as a kid
  9. 16. Where Mom and Dad got married
  10. 18. With her jet-setting parents, hopefully Baby Lawler doesn't have the same fear Mom did as a little one!
  1. 1. Baby Lawler's furry older brother
  2. 3. Babies have 300 of these at birth. Adults only have 206!
  3. 4. Mmm, milk! Babies have 30,000 of these and adults only have 10,000
  4. 5. Second sport that Mom went to State for in high school (see #xx)
  5. 7. Request from baby Lawler when they insist on one more of bottle of milk before bed
  6. 9. As the oldest of three, Mom thought this also meant that she should be the ___ (hint: a physical trait Baby Lawler might get from her dad!)
  7. 10. Even as a baby, Mom was known for having a sense of ___ (hint: Is there a Rent-the-Runway baby subscription?)
  8. 17. Sign Baby Lawler up for swimming lessons ASAP! Mom was conference champ in this water sport in the sixth grade