Moses and Exodus 13-20

  1. 3. What food did the Lord provide for the people in the evenings?
  2. 6. Sister of Aaron and Moses
  3. 11. To what sea did God lead his people?
  4. 12. How long did the Israelites eat the bread?
  5. 13. What was to be done to any person or animal that touched any part of the mountain the day the Lord spoke to the people?
  6. 15. Through what did the Lord say he would speak to Moses and the people?
  7. 16. After the Israelites won their first battle, Moses called the alter he built "the Lord is my __________."
  8. 19. What did Moses throw in the water at Marah to make it fit for drinking?
  9. 20. Whose bones did Moses take with them when they left Egypt?
  10. 22. Which people's country did God lead them away from when they left Egypt?
  11. 23. Mount Sinai was covered with smoke because the Lord descended on it in __________.
  12. 25. Who helped Aaron hold up the hands of Moses during the battle at Rephidim?
  13. 26. Who did the Lord tell Moses to bring with him up to the mountain in Exodus 19:24?
  14. 28. Jethro was the priest of__________.
  1. 1. How did the Lord guide the people when it was dark?
  2. 2. What group of people did Moses appoint after taking advice from his father-in-law?
  3. 4. At what rock did God instruct Moses to strike the rock to get water for the people?
  4. 5. Whom did God say he was going to use to demonstrate His Glory?
  5. 7. You shall not make for yourself an __________in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or the waters below.
  6. 8. You shall not commit__________.
  7. 9. Gave Moses some good advice
  8. 10. After they left Rephidim, near what mountain in the desert did they camp?
  9. 14. You shall not give false__________against your neighbor.
  10. 17. Moses called the place where he struck the rock Massah and __________because they were quarreling and testing God.
  11. 18. Who was the second son of Moses and Zipporah?
  12. 20. Who did Moses appoint to lead the people in battle at Rephidim?
  13. 21. Into what desert did Moses lead the people when they left the Red Sea?
  14. 24. Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?
  15. 27. Where did the Israelites camp after they left the Desert of Sin?
  16. 28. What name did the people of Israel give to the bread that was provided to them by God?