Moss SMP Crossword

  1. 6. Literally a god pt. 3 (Related to Rindi's waifu)
  2. 8. Literally a god pt. 5 (Dad edition!)
  3. 9. Too easy to scam
  4. 10. Not a cult leader (Musical instrument pt. 2)
  5. 12. Not drugs! (PG family friendly I swear)
  6. 13. Blew up my netherite >:(
  7. 14. Only existed to get their cat killed in the Eternal Sunrise war
  8. 17. *funny accent* W a l t h u r White
  9. 19. Toby's (favorite) alive pet
  10. 20. Musical Instrument pt. 1
  11. 22. Likes reviving people
  1. 1. Invented Drugs (add 'ee' to the name)
  2. 2. First cult!
  3. 3. Literally a goddess pt. 2 (Rindi simps over her)
  4. 4. Literally a god pt.4 (Clingy edition!)
  5. 5. Cat____ (What Flora did to Rindi lmao)
  6. 7. Death Simp
  7. 11. Bad at hiding (very much so)
  8. 13. Late-stage Capitalism Emperor
  9. 15. Nether God!
  10. 16. Woof Rindi's dead pet
  11. 18. Mental Breakdowns (Wee!)
  12. 19. BEETLEJUICE? Y E S BEETLEJUICE??? Y E S. (Type out his full name)
  13. 21. Second cult (not on drugs they're fine I swear pls don't come after me DEA)