
  1. 1. you are not interested in something
  2. 4. travel by air
  3. 5. find something or someone unexpectedly
  4. 6. when you reach a place (at the end of a journey)
  5. 8. a type of film that has cowboys and Indians
  6. 10. if your friend gets a new bike you might feel _____
  7. 12. very very happy
  8. 14. a type of film that makes you laugh
  9. 15. cut something into pieces with an axe or knife
  1. 2. search for something
  2. 3. Naruto is an _______ film
  3. 7. if you fall down in front of many people you might feel __________
  4. 9. you had a long day at school you might feel ______
  5. 11. a walk in the country side (the wild)
  6. 13. go from one place to another