Motivation and Emotion

  1. 4. ventro-medial ______________; the part of the brain that signals "stop eating"
  2. 7. hunger hormone released by hypothalamus
  3. 8. _____________effect; arousal from one event influences response to another event
  4. 9. emotional release
  5. 10. protein released by fat cells; regulates hunger
  6. 13. _____________illusion; overrating by managers of their judgment of prospective employees
  1. 1. the form of sugar that circulates in the blood and provides the major source of energy for body tissues. When its level is low, we feel hunger
  2. 2. fight-or-flight hormone
  3. 3. "weight thermostat"
  4. 5. Process by which organisms maintain a relatively stable internal environment
  5. 6. Humanistic psychologist; hierarchy of needs
  6. 11. digestive tract hormone
  7. 12. hunger hormone released by empty stomach