Motivation and Emotion

  1. 4. theory saying we are at a baseline state and the further we drift the more we want to get back to it
  2. 8. conflict pitting two good outcomes against eachother
  3. 10. part of the brain that lets us recognize that we are full
  4. 13. being extremely overweight which can cause a variety of negative health conditions
  5. 15. eating disorder where people starve themselves to reach a low body weight
  6. 17. motivation to satisfy a need
  7. 18. motivators we get from within
  8. 20. necessity to survive
  9. 21. managers behaved based on either intrinsic or extrinsic motivations
  10. 22. law stating that there is an optimal amount of arousal for each type of activity
  11. 24. drives such as thirst or hunger
  12. 26. theory saying that the hypothalamus wants us to maintain a certain body weight and gives signals to compensate
  13. 27. feelings that drive towards a goal
  14. 28. drives such as popularity or money
  15. 30. theory saying that we feel emotions based on our interpretation of biological changes caused by stress
  16. 31. theory that one must be physically arounsed and label the arousal in order to experience emotion
  1. 1. an internal state of balance
  2. 2. a theory explaining that humans drive is based on biological needs
  3. 3. conflict pitting two bad outcomes against eachother
  4. 5. the bodies stress response of alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion
  5. 6. theory saying that physiological and emotional arousal happen at the same time
  6. 7. we are motivated by seeking out the highest amount of excitement
  7. 9. automatic behaviors that are known and not learned
  8. 11. hierarchy showing which needs we need to fulfill before moving onto others
  9. 12. event that has both good and bad aspects
  10. 14. a stimuli we are taught to be drawn to
  11. 16. top of the hierarchy of needs
  12. 19. motivators we find outside of ourselves
  13. 23. motivation based around achievements and accomplishments
  14. 25. part of brain that causes us to be hungry
  15. 29. eating disorder where people binge eat and purge