Motivation and Emotion

  1. 2. psychological requirements for interaction and contact with others
  2. 4. theory that says physiological changes CAUSE emotions
  3. 8. an internal state that activates behavior and directs it toward a goal
  4. 9. bodily requirements necessary for survival
  5. 11. feeling of discomfort caused when our actions and beliefs don't match
  6. 13. theory that says we perform best with a small amount of arousal; too much inhibits performance
  7. 15. level of body fat that our bodies strive to maintain
  8. 16. theory that says that physiological changes and a cognitive label happen at the same time; emotion comes later
  9. 20. theorist who believed we have to satisfy our biological needs before our emotional ones
  10. 21. number of expressible facial emotions
  1. 1. theory that says we are motivated to reduce discomfort caused by biological needs
  2. 3. theories of emotion that say that emotion derives from physical changes in the body
  3. 5. theory that says physiological changes and emotion happen at the same time
  4. 6. Maslow's triangle that shows which needs must be satisfied first
  5. 7. number of components of emotion
  6. 10. motivation that comes from our inner desires; personally pleasing
  7. 12. motivation that comes from outer rewards and reinforcements
  8. 14. theorist who studied universal facial expressions
  9. 17. theorist who studied baby monkeys' need for contact comfort
  10. 18. theories of emotion that say that emotion is the result of bodily changes and mental processes working together
  11. 19. a set of complex reactions involving physiological arousal, subjective feelings, and observable behavior