Motivation, Emotion, and Personality

  1. 7. occurs when you must choose between two desirable outcomes
  2. 11. biological needs
  3. 12. our response problem to many different physical and emotional stresses is very consistent
  4. 13. states that behavior is motivated by biological needs
  5. 14. Conflict exists when one event or goal has both attractive and unattractive features
  6. 16. feelings that cause us to act toward a goal
  7. 17. states that we seek an optimum level of excitement or arousal
  8. 19. predicts which needs we will be motivated to satisfy first
  9. 20. unhealthy eating habits, can be genetically predisposed, severely overweight, and excess weight can be threatening to their health
  10. 22. rewards we get for accomplishments from outside ourselves
  11. 25. Conflict occurs when you must choose between two unattractive outcomes
  12. 26. suggests that both our physical responses and our cognitive labels combine to cause any particular emotional response
  13. 27. tries to explain the motivations behind more complex behaviors
  14. 28. automatic behaviors performed in response to specific stimuli
  15. 29. suggests that we feel emotion because of biological changes caused by stress
  1. 1. learned drives
  2. 2. states that the hypothalamus wants to maintain a certain optimum body weight
  3. 3. the unique attitudes, behaviors, and emotions that characterize a person
  4. 4. they eat large amounts of food in short periods of time and then get rid of the food through vomiting, laxatives, or excessive exercising
  5. 5. stimuli that we are drawn to due to learning
  6. 6. personality consists of three parts: id, ego, and superego
  7. 8. measures responses like breathing rate, perspiration, and heart rate
  8. 9. often used to explain addictive behaviors
  9. 10. suggests that the biological change and the cognitive awareness of the emotional state occur simultaneously
  10. 15. starvation below 85% of their normal body weight and refusing to eat due to their obsession with weight
  11. 18. propelled by the pleasure principle, desires immediate gratification
  12. 21. rewards we get internally, such as joy or satisfaction
  13. 23. stimulating this area causes an animal to eat
  14. 24. boys' sexual desire for their mother, and the view of their fathers as rivals for their mothers' love