Motivation/ Tutorial 12

  1. 3. A person’s beliefs about his or her capabilities to perform a task
  2. 6. One of Alderfer’s ERG Theory similar to Maslow’s need for affiliation; these needs are fulfilled through meaningful and effective support from the work group
  3. 7. The degree of general importance and value attributed to the working role in an individual’s life
  4. 8. A modern theoretical approach to motivation that attempt to identify the specific need or set of needs that result in motivated behavior
  5. 9. The extent to which a person believes that power and status differences are appropriate within social hierarchies
  6. 12. The extent to which a person believes that he or she is a worthwhile and deserving individual
  7. 16. The extent to which an individual is gratified by or fulfilled in his or her work
  8. 18. One of the basic needs in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  9. 19. A modern theoretical approach to motivation that deals with how people assess the consequences of their behavioral choices and how that assessment goes into their future choice of behaviors
  1. 1. One of Alderfer’s ERG Theory similar to Maslow’s needs for self-actualization and self-esteem
  2. 2. A modern theoretical approach to motivation that focus more on the conscious thought processes people use to select one behavior from among several
  3. 4. This theory suggests that one set of factors affects dissatisfaction and another set affects satisfaction
  4. 5. David McClelland’s….. framework presents some relevant findings for international managers, also demonstrated that the need for achievement can be taught to people in different cultures
  5. 10. is a process of various steps to maximize effort toward achieving goals
  6. 11. One of the basic needs in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  7. 13. This theory suggests that people are motivated to behave in certain ways to the extent that they perceive that such behaviors will lead to outcomes they find personally attractive
  8. 14. A Need-Based Model that discusses the Social Orientation & Power Orientation
  9. 15. The amount of effort that an employee is willing to put into work to accomplish an organizationally valued task
  10. 17. Which theory discusses the need for power, need for achievement & the need for affiliation