Mount Everest

  1. 3. The first explorer to climb Mount Everest.
  2. 5. The country is Mount Everest located.
  3. 9. The name given to the top of the mountain
  4. 10. The name given to the people who are experts at climbing Mount Everest.
  5. 11. The mountain range is Mount Everest located.
  6. 14. The name of Edmund Hillary's sherpa guide.
  7. 15. The largest mountain in the world.
  1. 1. The capital of Nepal
  2. 2. The name of the supercontinent that existed 335 million years ago.
  3. 4. the process by which plate tectonics creates mountains.
  4. 6. A deep open crack on a glacier.
  5. 7. The Nepalese name for Mount Everest.
  6. 8. The continent that is Nepal is located in
  7. 12. A mass of snow, ice and rocks rapidly falling down a mountain.
  8. 13. High altitude where there is not enough oxygen to breathe.