
  1. 1. What is the most common type of mountain?
  2. 3. The dictionary definition of a mountain is 'higher and steeper than a _____'.
  3. 5. The Hawiian Islands are an example of what kind of volcano?
  4. 7. What is the top of a mountain called?
  5. 8. How many types of mountains are there?
  6. 12. With fault-block mountains the two plate tectonics are called Horsts and ________.
  7. 13. What is the name of the side of a mountain?
  8. 15. About how much of the earth's surface is covered with mountains (in percent)?
  9. 16. Fault-block mountains are formed from tensional ______.
  10. 17. When a folded mountain is created intense forces fold, fault, and ________ the rocks.
  1. 2. The largest range of under water mountains is in the Atlantic ______.
  2. 4. Volcanic mountains are the accumulations of large amounts of volcanic ______.
  3. 6. Folded mountains are created by intense _______ forces.
  4. 9. What kind of mountain is Mt. Rushmore?
  5. 10. The Himalayan Mountains and the Rocky Mountains are examples of mountain _______?
  6. 11. Generally the result of broad arching of the crust or sometimes great vertical displacement along a high-angle ______ fault.
  7. 12. The name of a mountain that is made up of ice.
  8. 14. The scientific study of mountains is called ______.
  9. 16. Tectonic plates move very _______.