Movie Characters

  1. 2. Logical Vulcan in Starfleet
  2. 6. Star wars hero with a celestial surname
  3. 7. Floral Marvel hero with limited vocabulary
  4. 8. Gotham's clown prince
  5. 10. The chosen one from Hogwarts
  6. 13. British spy with a license to kill
  7. 14. Cannibalistic Psychiatrist
  8. 17. Skywalker's pre-Vader name
  9. 19. Elven archer in the Fellowship
  10. 20. Wise wizard in Middle-Earth
  11. 22. Time traveler with a DeLorean
  12. 23. Mutant with Adamantiuam claws
  13. 24. Captain of the Black Pearl
  1. 1. Web-slinging superhero from Queens
  2. 2. Sly and enigmatic Potions Master at Hogwarts
  3. 3. Furry co-pilot from Kashyyyk
  4. 4. Ranger and heir to Gondor's throne
  5. 5. Godfather's powerful surname
  6. 9. Master detective with a keen mind
  7. 11. Cyborg assassin from the future
  8. 12. Friendly half-giant at Hogwards
  9. 15. Rogue space pilot in a galaxy far, far away
  10. 16. Wise wizard and headmaster at Hogwarts
  11. 18. Italian Stallion in the boxing ring
  12. 21. Genius billionaire in powered armor