Movie Jobs

  1. 5. A performer who doubles for another actor in scenes requiring special skills or involving hazardous actions
  2. 7. Lead electrician
  3. 8. All of the actors in a movie
  4. 12. Do not have any lines, background actors
  5. 13. Works on ropes, booms, lifts, hoists, etc
  6. 15. A performer who plays a character role in an on-screen film
  7. 17. Combines and coordinates individual shots into a cinematic whole
  8. 18. Styling and maintaining the actor’s hair
  9. 19. Visualizes the movie, responsible for the look of the movie, including the individual sets
  1. 1. A person responsible for the professional business dealings of an actor, director, or other artist
  2. 2. A film crew responsible for filming the leading cast
  3. 3. Responsible for the whole film, sculpts each film’s look, feel and sound and gives their actors guidance
  4. 4. Creates original music for a film
  5. 6. Provide food and drink for cast and crew on set
  6. 9. Creates an original screenplay, or adapts previously published material
  7. 10. The team of people on a movie set who work on the film’s technical aspects
  8. 11. Chief lighting technician
  9. 14. All-around handy person
  10. 16. A movie making company