Movie Madness

  1. 1. (6): A type of movie that's intended to scare or shock the viewer
  2. 3. (3): Computer-generated imagery, used to create special effects in movies
  3. 4. (5): The Academy Award statue that's coveted by Hollywood
  4. 8. (13): The art and technique of capturing images on film
  5. 10. (6): A type of movie that's intended to make people laugh
  6. 11. (8): A type of movie that's intended to create a feeling of suspense or excitement in the viewer
  7. 12. (5): A type of movie that usually involves intense emotions and conflicts
  8. 14. (8): The person who oversees the making of a movie and guides the actors and crew
  9. 15. (5): A person who portrays a character in a movie
  10. 17. (10): A movie that's incredibly successful and popular, often making a lot of money at the box office
  11. 18. (7): The process of selecting and arranging shots in a movie to create a cohesive narrative
  1. 1. (9): British film director known for his suspenseful films like "Psycho" and "Vertigo"
  2. 2. (9): The written version of a movie's script, often used as a blueprint for filming
  3. 5. (7): The sign above a movie theater that displays the titles of the films being shown
  4. 6. (9): American film director known for blockbuster hits like "Jurassic Park" and "Jaws"
  5. 7. (10): The music and/or dialogue that accompanies a movie
  6. 9. (6): The written text of a movie or play
  7. 10. (6): The device used to capture images on film
  8. 13. (6): A movie that continues the story of a previous movie
  9. 16. (6): A type of movie that's filled with exciting and often dangerous physical feats