Movie Madness

  1. 5. A kind of movie with songs that are performed throughout.
  2. 8. Some detective movies where you have to try your best to solve the crime are said to be...
  3. 10. It focuses on the lives of teenagers, group issues,and general problems of being a teenager.
  4. 11. Futuristic and based on science. Star Wars is the best example.
  5. 14. When the moon is out, humans transform into this.
  6. 15. A kind of movie involving a lot of fighting - it is from China.
  7. 16. A kind of film designed to scare you.
  8. 17. The Titanic is a famously sad example of this kind of movie.
  9. 18. Movies with lots of fight scenes, stunts, car chases.
  10. 19. James Bond (007) is the most famous example.
  1. 1. Gangs, villains, and the world of organized crime.
  2. 2. Movies with cowboys and gunfights.
  3. 3. Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are examples.
  4. 4. Movies about world war II, for example.
  5. 6. Long-toothed creatures are the villains in this genre.
  6. 7. A kind of film originally from Japan. The name is a short way to say “animated”
  7. 9. Minions, Wall-E, Shrek, etc.
  8. 12. A kind of movie about real life people, places, or things.
  9. 13. Marvel universe, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Spiderman franchises