Movie Quotes

  1. 2. "You've been hoodwinked, _______, led astray..."
  2. 6. "What's the ____ when there's a gun to your head?"
  3. 8. "I can give you a ____ so you can mail a job application"
  4. 10. "Oh now you're gonna shoot me in my ____?" ( 2 words)
  5. 12. "See, Daddy? ____ got souls too"
  6. 14. "I'll play you for your ____"
  7. 17. "All my life I had to ____"
  8. 18. "I'll just call y'all _____ creatures"
  1. 1. "How much for one ___?"
  2. 3. "Make the ____ don't let it make you"
  3. 4. "I da ____"
  4. 5. "____ should've brought you home"
  5. 7. "Ain't nobody comin' to see you, ___!"
  6. 9. "He ain't even from ____!"
  7. 11. "I don't play. I quit school 'cuz of ____"
  8. 12. "I like ____ and that's it"
  9. 13. "It's ____, you ain't got no job..."
  10. 15. "Ease on down the ___"
  11. 16. "She's your ____ to be"