Movie related

  1. 2. “Nok Su Kow”
  2. 4. “Alright Frankie”
  3. 11. Man Carry’s big log
  4. 13. don’t experiment with sharks could be dangerous
  5. 14. mine your step a lions coming
  6. 15. man carry’s box of roses with a surprise
  7. 16. A Family Fued in The Sea
  1. 1. died off a building because of a blonde
  2. 3. His Workplace Will Sing About Your Death
  3. 5. ex cop loses wife and child to gangs
  4. 6. the only cop with a built in holster
  5. 7. If You Cheat,Your a Monkey
  6. 8. becomes a women to be with his kids
  7. 9. “Haaaannggg Onnnn”
  8. 10. green stones makes him weak in the knees
  9. 12. his footsteps makes water ripple