- 3. Low-intensity light is romantic or can be sombre in feel.
- 6. Moves from left to right to show the scene.
- 7. Focuses on a single facial feature, such as lips and eyes.
- 9. The music used in the film.
- 11. A _____ shot shows the torso and face of a person and some scenery.
- 13. The camera is strapped to a ‘Flying Fox’ device and used to convey rapid movement.
- 15. Shows us what the character is looking at.
- 16. shot The camera is held in an unsteady fashion.
- 19. A ____ shot shows the scenery or background.
- 20. The text that is spoken during the film is called____.
- 1. The person who tells the crew what to do is called the ___
- 2. The clothing that the characters wear during the film.
- 4. Looking down on a character, often to show vulnerability.
- 5. How a scene cuts from one shot to another.
- 8. Looking at an eye-level angle to a character or object.
- 10. High-intensity or bright lighting is stark and very revealing.
- 12. The light is behind the subject.
- 14. Looking up at a character or object, often to instil fear.
- 15. An angle usually shown from above to view the whole scenery.
- 17. Focuses on the entire face. May be used to show tension.
- 18. A motion used to create suspense in the film.