Movie Terms

  1. 4. When the characters in a fictional work develop over the course of the story into people you care about
  2. 6. when a quote from a review is used in a commercial/advertisement
  3. 10. Something that's been used so many times that it no longer surprises or interests the people
  4. 11. When the critic recommends that only a certain group of people should see or not see the film
  5. 12. What the story is about
  6. 13. a clever play on words
  7. 15. When the idea behind the story is interesting enough to get people to see the movie without knowing anything else
  1. 1. When handing over a review to a publication the editor has the power to cut things out of the review
  2. 2. When quotes are mixed up and changed around to give the word a new meaning
  3. 3. when the critic cannot review the film fairly due to a personal problem with the film
  4. 5. A professional who publishes on a particular play/movie/book
  5. 7. when the same article is published in more than one newspaper or publication
  6. 8. When the critic uses a scale to show the degree of how much they recommend the movie
  7. 9. Competent but not especially outstanding
  8. 14. When a critic reveals the plot points that could ruin the surprise for the audience and lessen their enjoyment of the movie.
  9. 15. using different techniques to get the audience excited about the movie