Movie Vocabulary

  1. 3. something written, the dialogue between people
  2. 5. used to produce scenes that cannot be made naturally
  3. 7. imitates a sound needed in the story
  4. 10. someone who finances and supervises the making of a show
  5. 12. (n) the actors in a movie or play (v) assign roles to actors
  6. 14. brief summary of the story of a movie
  7. 16. transition to an earlier event in a story
  8. 19. written form of music; the papers musicians read from
  9. 22. supply of artificial light for stage or film
  10. 23. photographer who operates a movie camera
  11. 26. person who writes something
  12. 27. performer in theater, television, or movie
  13. 30. examine closely, bring camera focus closer
  14. 31. he supervises the actors and creation of a film
  15. 32. series of moving pictures that tells a story
  16. 33. a new soundtrack added to a film, often translated dialogue
  1. 1. the place where tickets to a movie/play are sold
  2. 2. theater where films are shown
  3. 4. person who makes or gets costumes
  4. 6. minor actor, often in crowd scenes
  5. 8. jump later in time that interrupts the normal pattern of the story
  6. 9. person who analyzes and interprets art
  7. 11. series of pictures showing unit of action in a film
  8. 13. sound recording of music from a film
  9. 15. scenery used to identify location
  10. 17. part added to book or film that continues/extends it
  11. 18. embarrassing mistake
  12. 20. person who chooses final content (of text/film/music etc)
  13. 21. place where people watch movies/refers to the industry of filmmaking
  14. 24. performs dangerous stunts for actors
  15. 25. translation of dialogue read on the screen
  16. 28. roll of film holding frames
  17. 29. the first public performance of a movie