
  1. 2. I See dead people
  2. 3. Nobody puts baby in a corner
  3. 4. My Precious
  4. 7. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  5. 10. I'll be back
  6. 11. Say hello to my little friend!
  7. 14. It's alive! It's alive!
  8. 15. What, Like it's hard?
  9. 16. To infinity and beyond!
  10. 17. I'm the king of the world!
  1. 1. Shaken, not stirred.
  2. 2. With great power, comes great responsibility
  3. 5. Mirror, Mirror, on the wall
  4. 6. Why so serious?
  5. 8. Use the force
  6. 9. You're gonna need a bigger boat
  7. 12. Ugh! As if!
  8. 13. Yippie Ki Yay!
  9. 15. Hakuna Matatta