
  1. 3. (Life is like a box of chocolates)
  2. 6. Potter (Boy wizard)
  3. 9. (Classic romance)
  4. 12. Lion King (Animated savannah tale)
  5. 13. (Shipwreck romance)
  6. 14. (Disney ice queen)
  7. 17. Fiction (Tarantino's cult classic)
  8. 18. (Hitchcock's thriller)
  9. 19. (Sci-fi epic)
  1. 1. (Dinosaur adventure)
  2. 2. Godfather (Mafia masterpiece)
  3. 4. Wars (Epic space saga)
  4. 5. (Musical set in the '50s)
  5. 7. (Caped crusader)
  6. 8. (Mind-bending action)
  7. 10. (Marvel superhero team)
  8. 11. (Dream heist)
  9. 15. (Underdog boxing story)
  10. 16. (Great white thriller)
  11. 20. Shawshank (Redemption drama)