
  1. 3. A character who opposes the hero or main characters in a movie. They are often depicted as cunning, evil, or having malicious intentions.
  2. 5. A genre of movies that are full of thrilling and exciting scenes. They often involve fast-paced chases, daring stunts, and intense fights.
  3. 6. A theme often portrayed in movies, emphasizing the importance of strong bonds and connections between friends. It shows the value of loyalty, support, and shared experiences.
  4. 9. A genre of movies that involves solving a puzzle or uncovering a secret. It keeps you guessing and engaged. Imagine being immersed in a movie filled with suspense and enigma!
  5. 11. A type of movie that is made using drawings, computer graphics, or special techniques to create moving images. It can bring characters and stories to life in a colorful and imaginative way. Imagine watching a movie where drawings or computer-generated characters come alive on the screen!
  6. 12. A type of movie that combines storytelling with songs and dance. Characters express their emotions and advance the plot through music and choreographed performances. Imagine watching a movie where characters burst into song and dance!
  1. 1. A character who roams the seas, often in search of treasure. They are known for their swashbuckling adventures, sailing ships, and distinctive clothing.
  2. 2. A character, usually a young girl, who is a member of a royal family. She is kind, brave, and often lives in a beautiful castle.
  3. 4. A type of movie that is funny and makes you laugh. It usually has humorous situations, jokes, and amusing characters. Imagine watching a movie that fills you with laughter and joy!
  4. 7. A character who solves mysteries and puzzles. They use their intelligence, observation skills, and clues to uncover the truth. Imagine following a clever them as they unravel mysteries in an exciting movie!
  5. 8. A character who displays courage, bravery, and noble qualities. They often protect others and fight against bad someone.
  6. 9. The power to do extraordinary things using supernatural forces or abilities. It can make things appear, disappear, or change in amazing ways.
  7. 10. A genre of movies that often includes magical or imaginary elements. It takes you to a world beyond reality, where anything can happen. Imagine being transported to a world of magic and wonder through a movie!